JFrog is recognized as a global leader by customers and the DevOps community, with liquid software that flows continuously and automatically from build all the way through to production. JFrog is the only software supply chain platform to give you end-to-end visibility, security, and control for automating delivery of trusted releases.

The majority of Fortune 100 companies and millions of developers globally trust JFrog as their end-to-end software supply chain partner. JFrog are changing the way software is managed, released and updated with DevOps best practices.

Market Leading Platform

The JFrog Platform powers organizations to build, distribute and automate software updates to the edge. It is a Universal Software Supply Chain Platform for DevOps, Security, and MLOps
Universal Package Management
Advanced Security for DevOps
Secure ML Model Management
Updates From Code to Device
Truly Hybrid & Multi-Cloud
Scale DevSecOps to infinity

Universal Package Management

With JFrog Artifactory at the core, curate a secure, single source of record for DevOps and the entire software supply chain. Update software across any environment, with OOTB support for over 30 technology types.

Universal Package Management

With JFrog Artifactory at the core, curate a secure, single source of record for DevOps and the entire software supply chain. Update software across any environment, with OOTB support for over 30 technology types.

Advanced Security for DevOps

Spend more time innovating and less time remediating.Efficiently find and fix security issues across your entire DevOps pipeline, including exposed secrets, OSS vulnerabilities, IaC & container security, and open source license issues, with automation, contextual analysis and enhanced remediation.

Secure ML Model Management

Manage ML models as part of your secure software supply chain with the first system of record for ML models that brings ML/AI development in line with your existing software development lifecycle.

Updates From Code to Device

Create your own private, fast, secure, hybrid distribution model for updates all the way to the edge.

Truly Hybrid & Multi-Cloud

Support tool choices and deployment targets across self-hosted, cloud and multi-cloud environments without sacrificing speed or availability.

Scale DevSecOps to infinity

Control, secure and deliver software at global scale with confidence. Some of the world’s largest companies already do with JFrog.

How we Partner with JFrog

TOM SHAW aggregates all Security Controls under our Noble1 platform. As part of our Cyber Ecosystem of tightly integrated partners, JFrog seamlessly integrates with practically any development environment on earth, to provide you with the market-leading end-to-end software supply chain partner.

Combined with the World first User-Centric Cyber Insight, Noble1, you can leap to the next era of DevOps Management and security risk mitigation.

The JFrog partnership with TOM SHAW helps you instantly:

  • Achieve an end-to-end pipeline to control the flow of your binaries from build to production, including:
    – Universal artifact management at enterprise scale
    – Advanced DevOps security and compliance
    – Fast, trusted software releases at scale
    – End-to-end platform automation
    – IoT management with DevOps agility
  • Achieve freedom, not lock-in to your entire ecosystem.
  • Over 50 seamless tech integrations.
  • Bridge gaps between security and software engineering with a unified platform that provides mitigation advice prioritized for contextual applicability.
  • Deliver Organisation wide and Individual User Cyber Insights utilising Al and ML to predict future risk and reduce attack surfaces.
Secure your end-to-end supply chain with JFrog and Noble1.

Find out how with a free Proof of Value


50+ Seamless Integrations

To your entire ecosystem: welcome to the era of automated, integrated, extendable, secure software supply chain management.

Four Key Lessons for ML Model Security & Management

With Gartner estimating that over 90% of newly created business software applications will contain ML models or services by 2027, it is evident that the open source ML revolution is well underway. By adopting the right MLOps processes and leveraging the lessons learned from the DevOps revolution, organizations can navigate the open source and proprietary ML landscape with confidence. Platforms like JFrog, that include ML model management capabilities can further support organizations in their journey towards successful adoption.
Since the first open source package from the GNU Project was released by Richard Stallman in 1983, there has been a huge evolution of software reproducibility, reliability, and robustness. Concepts such as Software Development Life Cycle Management (SDLC), Software Supply Chain (SSC), and Release Lifecycle Management (RLM) have become a cornerstone of how to manage and secure software development environments.
In terms of MLOps, here are four lessons covering topics specifically related to AI Models including:

  • Traceable versioning schemas
  • Artifact caching and availability
  • Model and dataset licensing
  • Finding trusted open source ML repositories
These lessons for managing and securing ML development environments, are a must-learn for AI developers and MLOps professionals.
As enterprises increasingly embrace machine learning models and services, it becomes crucial to leverage open source packages while simultaneously ensuring security and compliance. Open source models and datasets offer numerous benefits, but they also come with their own set of challenges and risks. Here we will explore some key lessons learned from the DevOps revolution and see how they can be applied to ensure successful adoption of open source ML models.

Lesson 1 – Adopt a clear, traceable versioning schema

Versioning allows an organization to be sure the software they create is using the right parts. With good versioning you can rollback bad deployments and necessitate fewer patches for live customers experiencing bugs in the application.

In the traditional world of software development, Semantic Versioning (SemVer) is the standard. Semantic Versioning is a very powerful tool, but can only reflect a single timeline. With Semantic Versioning you can identify the present and past, as well as the order between them.

When it comes to ML Model Versioning, however, the case is considerably different. While software builds with the same inputs should be consistent, with ML models two sequential training sessions can lead to totally different results. In ML model training, versioning schemas have many dimensions. Training might be done in parallel, using different parameters or data, but in the end all training results require validation. Your versioning schema should consist of enough metadata so that both Data Scientist, DevOps, ML Engineers and SRE will find it easy to understand the version’s content. While many ML tools use some form of Semantic Versioning, JFrog is taking a different approach to ML model versioning that better accommodates the complexity of ML model development and multiple stakeholders involved in the process.

Lesson 2 – Cache every artifact you use as they might disappear

Not all open source projects can be relied upon for the long term. Some might close down, while in other cases companies may stop supporting packages they created, meaning that the latest version might not work as well as the previous one.

To protect against this type of instability, when working with ML models, it is advised to cache everything that you use as part of training or inference. This includes: The model, the software packages, the container you run it in, the data, parameters, features, and more. Even the ML model itself is a piece of software, so it is wise to cache all those packages as well. There are various caching tools in the market, including JFrog Artifactory with ML model support, covering the most popular ML package types.

Lesson 3 – Model and dataset licensing procedures

Open source does not mean free! Most open source models have a license agreement that states what you can and can not do. Licensing is a very complex field and you might want to consult with a legal expert before selecting a model with a license that might put your company’s assets at risk. There are tools in the market to enforce licensing compliance, such as JFrog Curation and JFrog Xray that ensure your software licenses are compliant with company policy.

Lesson 4 – Use open source ML models from trusted sources only

When integrating open source into your software, you are de-facto putting your trust in the software creator to maintain the quality, security, and maintenance levels you need to ensure your software runs smoothly. Unfortunately, it is quite common to use an open source package, only to find out later on that there is a critical bug and the maintainer is not capable of solving it. As a last resort, you can use your own development resources to get into the code and start patching it – after all it is open source software – but in reality it is easier said than done and even worse, requires resources for maintaining the code going forwards.

Enterprises need to come up with a set of rules that determine if an open source package or model is mature enough to be used by their developers. JFrog’s best practice recommendations advise to at least look at the number of contributors and the date last release, as well other relevant information. The JFrog Platform can assist in this effort by automating policies to make your developers’ life easier and more productive.

Jump into the open source ML revolution with confidence

When it comes to ML models, versioning becomes more complex due to the multiple dimensions involved in training and validation. Caching every artifact used, becomes essential to mitigate the risks associated with the instability of open source projects.

It is also crucial to consider the quality, security, and maintenance levels provided by the software creator, taking into consideration critical bugs that may be detected down the line, requiring companies to allocate their own resources for maintenance.

By adopting lessons learned from the DevOps revolution and applying them to the open source ML landscape, MLOps professionals can better navigate the challenges and harness the benefits of ML models effectively, securely and efficiently.

Adopting the right MLOps processes today will set you up for success tomorrow. Check out JFrog’s ML model management capabilities and key industry partnerships, to see for yourself how they can support and improve your ML development operations by scheduling a demo or starting a free trial.

Advancing MLOps with JFrog and Qwak

Modern AI applications are having a dramatic impact on our industry, but there are still certain hurdles when it comes to bringing ML models to production. The process of building ML models is so complex and time-intensive that many data scientists still struggle to turn concepts into production-ready models. Bridging the gap between MLOps and DevSecOps workflows is key to streamlining this process.

Despite the proliferation of tools on the market, bringing the right ones together to build a comprehensive ML pipeline isn’t easy. That’s why we’re excited to announce a new technology integration with Qwak. Qwak is a fully managed ML Platform that brings together machine learning models and traditional software development lifecycle processes to accelerate, scale, and secure the delivery of ML applications.

Managing Your ML Lifecycle

MLOps is the connection between Machine Learning and Operations, incorporating Machine Learning, DevOps and Data Engineering. During the model development stage, we need a system that manages all of the experiments and identifies the most effective model that we want to use. As in the software development lifecycle, the ML lifecycle continuously iterates, striving to improve the model’s accuracy and general quality.

As a Data Scientist, you’re building ML models that continuously need to be experimented (fine tuned and trained) and deployed to production. This process produces an immense amount of data and artifacts that need to be stored, scanned for potential security vulnerabilities and license compliance issues, and finally made available in production. Organizations need to securely govern their artifacts (ML models) in a trusted location, where they can control access to their data. This ensures an uncompromised secure management process from the model’s development stage all the way to production.

This is where an MLOps Platform and an advanced binary manager come into play.

The Qwak Solution

Numerous obstacles can hinder the advancement of ML projects, impacting critical tasks such as overseeing model experiments and research, evaluating diverse model build outcomes, incorporating user metadata into models, and handling model deployment. Fortunately, Qwak provides ML professionals with a comprehensive toolkit to simplify these procedures, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

Qwak key features:

  • Deploying and iterating on your models faster
  • Testing and packaging your models using a flexible build mechanism
  • Comprehensive logging of artifacts, parameters, and metrics during model training and evaluation
  • Deploying models as REST endpoints, batch transformation jobs, or streaming applications
  • Gradually deploying and A/B testing your models in production
  • Querying model results and visualizing model behavior in production
  • Automation capabilities for re-training and deploying models

The Synergy of JFrog and Qwak

The integration of JFrog with Qwak provides customers with a complete MLSecOps solution that helps bridge the MLOps/DevSecOps-gap by bringing ML models in line with other, more established software development processes. By creating a single source of truth for all software components, this integration enables seamless cross-collaboration between Engineering, DevOps, and DevSecOps teams so they can build and release AI applications at greater speed, with minimal risk, and at a lower cost.

Comprehensive Dependency Scanning

Real-time analysis of dependencies ensures that data scientists, ML engineers, developers, and compliance stakeholders clearly understand the components influencing their models. This integration empowers users to make informed decisions by integrating the advanced MLOps capabilities of Qwak with advanced scanning capabilities powered by JFrog.

Enforced Control and Compliance

By leveraging the JFrog Platform as the exclusive platform for your models, dependencies, and other artifacts, you gain complete control and visibility over all your software components. With JFrog’s advanced resource management capabilities, which can be defined for teams, groups, projects, or on an organizational level, you can ensure that your ML model’s outcomes adhere to configured policies and organizational standards. The strict governance enforced by this integration promotes consistency, mitigates risks, and aligns development practices with organizational guidelines.

Centralized Artifact Management

By using JFrog as Qwak’s main artifact source, you can benefit from JFrog’s comprehensive management capabilities, such as:

  • Centralizing all models, artifacts, and software components within a single source of truth
  • Reducing the potential hazards linked to external service disruptions or the elimination of models, packages, or package versions from public repositories
  • Enable organizations, teams, groups, and project owners to manage and limit access to external private or public repositories, ensuring that only approved sources can be utilized by users
  • Offer comprehensive transparency to teams, groups, projects, managers, and other stakeholders regarding the content utilized within the company

Get started with JFrog and Qwak

Watch this demo for an overview of the integration. To get started now, see step-by-step instructions here.

Summing it up

Together, JFrog and Qwak instill governance, transparency, visibility, and security into every facet of the development and deployment lifecycle for ML models. From managing dependencies to ensuring compliance and optimizing storage, this integration empowers your organization to embrace the future of machine learning with confidence and efficiency.

Register for our upcoming webinar to learn more about this integration.

Four Key Lessons for ML Model Security & Management

With Gartner estimating that over 90% of newly created business software applications will contain ML models or services by 2027, it is evident that the open source ML revolution is well underway. By adopting the right MLOps processes and leveraging the lessons learned from the DevOps revolution, organizations can navigate the open source and proprietary ML landscape with confidence. Platforms like JFrog, that include ML model management capabilities can further support organizations in their journey towards successful adoption.
Since the first open source package from the GNU Project was released by Richard Stallman in 1983, there has been a huge evolution of software reproducibility, reliability, and robustness. Concepts such as Software Development Life Cycle Management (SDLC), Software Supply Chain (SSC), and Release Lifecycle Management (RLM) have become a cornerstone of how to manage and secure software development environments.
In terms of MLOps, here are four lessons covering topics specifically related to AI Models including:
  • Traceable versioning schemas
  • Artifact caching and availability
  • Model and dataset licensing
  • Finding trusted open source ML repositories
    These lessons for managing and securing ML development environments, are a must-learn for AI developers and MLOps professionals.
  • As enterprises increasingly embrace machine learning models and services, it becomes crucial to leverage open source packages while simultaneously ensuring security and compliance. Open source models and datasets offer numerous benefits, but they also come with their own set of challenges and risks. Here we will explore some key lessons learned from the DevOps revolution and see how they can be applied to ensure successful adoption of open source ML models.

    Lesson 1 – Adopt a clear, traceable versioning schema

    Versioning allows an organization to be sure the software they create is using the right parts. With good versioning you can rollback bad deployments and necessitate fewer patches for live customers experiencing bugs in the application.

    In the traditional world of software development, Semantic Versioning (SemVer) is the standard. Semantic Versioning is a very powerful tool, but can only reflect a single timeline. With Semantic Versioning you can identify the present and past, as well as the order between them.

    When it comes to ML Model Versioning, however, the case is considerably different. While software builds with the same inputs should be consistent, with ML models two sequential training sessions can lead to totally different results. In ML model training, versioning schemas have many dimensions. Training might be done in parallel, using different parameters or data, but in the end all training results require validation. Your versioning schema should consist of enough metadata so that both Data Scientist, DevOps, ML Engineers and SRE will find it easy to understand the version’s content. While many ML tools use some form of Semantic Versioning, JFrog is taking a different approach to ML model versioning that better accommodates the complexity of ML model development and multiple stakeholders involved in the process.

    Lesson 2 – Cache every artifact you use as they might disappear

    Not all open source projects can be relied upon for the long term. Some might close down, while in other cases companies may stop supporting packages they created, meaning that the latest version might not work as well as the previous one.

    To protect against this type of instability, when working with ML models, it is advised to cache everything that you use as part of training or inference. This includes: The model, the software packages, the container you run it in, the data, parameters, features, and more. Even the ML model itself is a piece of software, so it is wise to cache all those packages as well. There are various caching tools in the market, including JFrog Artifactory with ML model support, covering the most popular ML package types.

    Lesson 3 – Model and dataset licensing procedures

    Open source does not mean free! Most open source models have a license agreement that states what you can and can not do. Licensing is a very complex field and you might want to consult with a legal expert before selecting a model with a license that might put your company’s assets at risk. There are tools in the market to enforce licensing compliance, such as JFrog Curation and JFrog Xray that ensure your software licenses are compliant with company policy.

    Lesson 4 – Use open source ML models from trusted sources only

    When integrating open source into your software, you are de-facto putting your trust in the software creator to maintain the quality, security, and maintenance levels you need to ensure your software runs smoothly. Unfortunately, it is quite common to use an open source package, only to find out later on that there is a critical bug and the maintainer is not capable of solving it. As a last resort, you can use your own development resources to get into the code and start patching it – after all it is open source software – but in reality it is easier said than done and even worse, requires resources for maintaining the code going forwards.

    Enterprises need to come up with a set of rules that determine if an open source package or model is mature enough to be used by their developers. JFrog’s best practice recommendations advise to at least look at the number of contributors and the date last release, as well other relevant information. The JFrog Platform can assist in this effort by automating policies to make your developers’ life easier and more productive.

    Jump into the open source ML revolution with confidence

    When it comes to ML models, versioning becomes more complex due to the multiple dimensions involved in training and validation. Caching every artifact used, becomes essential to mitigate the risks associated with the instability of open source projects.

    It is also crucial to consider the quality, security, and maintenance levels provided by the software creator, taking into consideration critical bugs that may be detected down the line, requiring companies to allocate their own resources for maintenance.

    By adopting lessons learned from the DevOps revolution and applying them to the open source ML landscape, MLOps professionals can better navigate the challenges and harness the benefits of ML models effectively, securely and efficiently.

    Adopting the right MLOps processes today will set you up for success tomorrow. Check out JFrog’s ML model management capabilities and key industry partnerships, to see for yourself how they can support and improve your ML development operations by scheduling a demo or starting a free trial.

    Advancing MLOps with JFrog and Qwak

    Modern AI applications are having a dramatic impact on our industry, but there are still certain hurdles when it comes to bringing ML models to production. The process of building ML models is so complex and time-intensive that many data scientists still struggle to turn concepts into production-ready models. Bridging the gap between MLOps and DevSecOps workflows is key to streamlining this process.

    Despite the proliferation of tools on the market, bringing the right ones together to build a comprehensive ML pipeline isn’t easy. That’s why we’re excited to announce a new technology integration with Qwak. Qwak is a fully managed ML Platform that brings together machine learning models and traditional software development lifecycle processes to accelerate, scale, and secure the delivery of ML applications.

    Managing Your ML LifeCycle

    MLOps is the connection between Machine Learning and Operations, incorporating Machine Learning, DevOps and Data Engineering. During the model development stage, we need a system that manages all of the experiments and identifies the most effective model that we want to use. As in the software development lifecycle, the ML lifecycle continuously iterates, striving to improve the model’s accuracy and general quality.

    As a Data Scientist, you’re building ML models that continuously need to be experimented (fine tuned and trained) and deployed to production. This process produces an immense amount of data and artifacts that need to be stored, scanned for potential security vulnerabilities and license compliance issues, and finally made available in production. Organizations need to securely govern their artifacts (ML models) in a trusted location, where they can control access to their data. This ensures an uncompromised secure management process from the model’s development stage all the way to production.

    This is where an MLOps Platform and an advanced binary manager come into play.

    The Qwak Solution

    Numerous obstacles can hinder the advancement of ML projects, impacting critical tasks such as overseeing model experiments and research, evaluating diverse model build outcomes, incorporating user metadata into models, and handling model deployment. Fortunately, Qwak provides ML professionals with a comprehensive toolkit to simplify these procedures, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.
    Qwak key features:
  • Deploying and iterating on your models faster
  • Testing and packaging your models using a flexible build mechanism
  • Comprehensive logging of artifacts, parameters, and metrics during model training and evaluation
  • Deploying models as REST endpoints, batch transformation jobs, or streaming applications
  • Gradually deploying and A/B testing your models in production
  • Querying model results and visualizing model behavior in production
  • Automation capabilities for re-training and deploying models
  • The Synergy of JFrog and Qwak

    The integration of JFrog with Qwak provides customers with a complete MLSecOps solution that helps bridge the MLOps/DevSecOps-gap by bringing ML models in line with other, more established software development processes. By creating a single source of truth for all software components, this integration enables seamless cross-collaboration between Engineering, DevOps, and DevSecOps teams so they can build and release AI applications at greater speed, with minimal risk, and at a lower cost.
    Comprehensive Dependency Scanning
    Real-time analysis of dependencies ensures that data scientists, ML engineers, developers, and compliance stakeholders clearly understand the components influencing their models. This integration empowers users to make informed decisions by integrating the advanced MLOps capabilities of Qwak with advanced scanning capabilities powered by JFrog.
    Enforced Control and Compliance
    By leveraging the JFrog Platform as the exclusive platform for your models, dependencies, and other artifacts, you gain complete control and visibility over all your software components. With JFrog’s advanced resource management capabilities, which can be defined for teams, groups, projects, or on an organizational level, you can ensure that your ML model’s outcomes adhere to configured policies and organizational standards. The strict governance enforced by this integration promotes consistency, mitigates risks, and aligns development practices with organizational guidelines.
    Centralized Artifact Management
    By using JFrog as Qwak’s main artifact source, you can benefit from JFrog’s comprehensive management capabilities, such as:

  • Centralizing all models, artifacts, and software components within a single source of truth
  • Reducing the potential hazards linked to external service disruptions or the elimination of models, packages, or package versions from public repositories
  • Enable organizations, teams, groups, and project owners to manage and limit access to external private or public repositories, ensuring that only approved sources can be utilized by users
  • Offer comprehensive transparency to teams, groups, projects, managers, and other stakeholders regarding the content utilized within the company
  • Get started with JFrog and Qwak

    Watch this demo for an overview of the integration. To get started now, see step-by-step instructions here.

    Summing it up

    Together, JFrog and Qwak instill governance, transparency, visibility, and security into every facet of the development and deployment lifecycle for ML models. From managing dependencies to ensuring compliance and optimizing storage, this integration empowers your organization to embrace the future of machine learning with confidence and efficiency.

    Register for our upcoming webinar to learn more about this integration.